Breaking News!! Employee fired for “urinating” in a company trash can!!!

A retail employee who’s name must remain anonymous, that works for a Company that must remain anonymous, was fired for allegedly “urinating” into a company trash can. Investigators say that the witness walked into the backroom of their department, and walked in on the anonymous associate urinating in the trash can with his back facing them. The witness said that the associate waved his hands as a gesture to “stop and wait”. The associate said, “hold on! Let me finish peeing !” Then preceeded to finish with his urination.

The investigation has come to a conclusion after 8 long hours. They have checked the cameras of the building ,watching every single move that anonymous employee made. They have concluded that this person who claimed to have witnessed an indecent, exposing action, was initially a lying piece of shit.

Investigators say,”The one thing we have witnessed today is a hard fuckin worker who deserves a raise!!”

The company has yet to give that hard working employee a raise , one who was wrongly accused yet strongly amused with this whole situation.