Chocolate Marianna Woman says she likes to be dipped.

Today at approximately three people prefer p.m. a lady was found running down I-90 in what appeared to be chocolate dipping sauce. Earlier that day Dairy Queen employee, Ja’mir had called Jackson County police to alert them of an unusual customer in his store he manages. He laughs now, but says when alleged Shamyra Johnson (who has since been officially identified by police) stated that her cone did not have enough chocolate. And continued to berate the store and employees chanting “Dip it better or I’ll Dip it and Myself”. He was unsure of her mental stability. Jodie Bronson (a long time customer) was on scene and reported. “It was a sight to see…and the next thing you know…well this is crazy, but she jumped the counter and… well dipped herself”. Marianna Police later confirmed the perpetrator left the building screaming obscenities. Like “McDonald’s has better soft serve ice cream anyways!” Despite the chocolate mishap she is now lodged in the county bail with a bond set at 10,000 and waiting for arraignment on Monday morning.