Colorado man arrested for farting directly into mouth of police officer

A 27 year old male in Denver, CO. was arrested on Saturday night following a particularly disturbing incident of flatulence. Deputy Ron Hubbard claims that he was walking out of a local restaurant from his lunch, and on his way back to his car, he stopped to tie his shoe. It was during this time he was approached by the assailant. According to Officer Hubbard’s account, the man walked by and gained his attention while he was bent over re-lacing his shoe. “Excuse me Officer” the man said, and as Hubbard looked up and before he could even reply, the man farted directly into his open mouth. The assailant then tried to flee the scene, but a with a quick reaction and a nightstick to the ankle, the man fell to the ground where he was further beaten by the Officer, and subsequently arrested. The man, identified as 27 year old Jonathan Ott is being charged for assault of a Law Enforcement Officer.