Congress to impeach Trump!!!

As of May 7th 2017 Congress is in the process of impeaching 45th president of the United States. According to our sources in the Trump administration. In the cold early hours of the morning on May 7th 2017 Congress has filed an order that, if passed, would impeach the president of the United States. Citing gross incompetency, treason, and multiple violations of the constitution of the United States. Most recently his violation of church and state. The racist executive order which bars Muslim faith leaders, but allows pastors, priests, rabbi’s and other various members of faith to weigh in and have voice in the political process. All while still being tax exempt.

Our source who will remain anonymous had this to say. “If the president even bothered to read the constitution he would see the clear violation of the first amendment. but when you cant read I could see how you wouldn’t know that. Maybe if it had pictures he’d understand. But that’s a big maybe.”

Trump’s two failed Muslim bans, which inexplicably allowed travel from rich Muslim nations like Saudi Arabia, who was home to 11 of the 15 9/11 hijackers. Which was never explained “cough cough OIL cough cough.” His failed healthcare replacement which the Senate has completely rejected. While passing unanimously by the scum of the house, like rep Jason Chaffetz. Who could be seen rolling back on a scooter to vote on a bill, after surgery from a prexisting condition, that would take away the health care of 24 million Americans as well as a brutal set of prexisting conditions such as rape and acne that would bar people from signing up for healthcare. Effectively killing millions, many of them the people that voted for these vile taint munchers.

Hopefully this is the end for the most un-American American in United States history. His hateful and misogynistic rethoric and un-American haterd of the working class individual. His terrible domestic and foreign policy has all been a blight on the presidency of the United States. Truly a scar that can never be erased. His image will go down as that of the Roman emperor Caligula, a psychotic narcissist with a sadistic and morally bankrupt set of principles. Will bring you more as this story developes.