Does Russian Bias Exist?

This is a subject you don’t hear many people discuss but in the recent weeks scientists over at the Oxford Academy studying the Deoxyribonucleic Acid of our body say they’ve found something.

John Harper a 23 year old Senior at his college is right now on a huge discovery of what might be the biggest story since the Red Scare of the 40’s and 50’s. He has told Professors and Students alike he has found clear evidence our bodies DNA may hold certain strands that make us more likely to like Russian products and Buy Overpriced Russian vehicles from shady companies, right now the international comity of Oxford Scientists have been gathered for a emergency evaluation of the data shown and a outside figure Anton Yudintsev owner of Gijin Entertainment has been invited for the meeting as well where he and the rest of the comity will sit down and look into this claim with full detail.

This has been Channel 23 news and we hope you stay tuned for a follow up article on its ground breaking discoveries.