Evansville McDonalds to be open 24 hours

At last , the people of Evansville now enjoy a 24 convenience store.
“Landmark” ,
Owned by the same family who owns half the buildings in Evansville , the store was created in the early 1990s and is undersized .
The issue of Rail Passengers needing refreshments was so great , that the local Government is expected to discontinue Passenger Rail Service , at a priority higher than maintaining the highway itself .
Passengers on the rails and the road , will be saved a 20 mile trip to Janesville for their single can of ice tea.
Protests on the Abandonment of Amtrak in Rock county , has escalated to the resulting tear-gas hazmat concern , and evidently Stougton Wisconsin Veterans Of Foreign Wars has opened a competitor , replica Terminal .

Rock County Hazardous Materials Chairman Mason Braunchwegg states “Amtrak is not cost effective so we are eliminating it forever ”
At least 20 Passengers a day will depart Evansville Amtrak Depot, on Main St.
Local upstanding citizen Tony Hallmark remarks :
” In 2008 my and my wife passed through Evansville , on our way back from the Midwest Horse Fair. At McDonalds I purchased a half frozen cheesburger , and a shake that appeared to be mixed with mustard. Fantastic. ” The Cowboy in the chair on the corner of J Lindeman drive adds ” EA Otjeir hahba and Duramax Diaphragm truck. corn”