Have you heard them strange noises at night?

Braxton, MS
Have you ever heard of a legendary creature called a Skinwalker? Well one local family has spotted one of the creatures in their backyard and they have photos to prove it! They heard their cows hollering out about 3 a.m. Thursday morning and when they went out to see what was causing the disturbance they saw it! It was a creature about 7 foot tall with a human like body and a head that resembles a dog, and vicious acting! It was attacking the cows in their pasture. They immediately went back inside to safety and called 911. When the cops arrived, the creature was just walking around the pasture and they attempted to shoot it down with no success. The creature run off into the woods and hasn’t returned as of yet. However, the family and neighbors are fearful for their lives tonight. Have you seen anything like this? If so, please call your local sheriff’s department!