killer clowns invade New York

It was a crazy sight to see on May 5thAs a bunch of Killer clowns from Outer Space were seen galavanting around the state of New York. People were warned to stay away.The people were seen running frantically through the streets to avoid the chaos of these clowns.But looks are deceiving even though these these clowns stood six and a half feet tall with insanely patternd makeup and big red shoes.They were seen in backyards grabbing barbecues and pulling them into the Parks of nearby towns where they began collecting acorns And barbecuing them To feed the squirrels. After the barbecue the squirrels and the clown set around conversing late into the night. The clowns were seen taking off in a giant clown car that actually was their space craft which we believe they havee taken off back to their own planet.