Loch Ness Monster sighted in Baraboo?

Baraboo has been known for its beautiful scenery, being home to the circus and now it may add another major draw to the area. In the past couple weeks, multiple people have spied what they believe to be Nessie’s cousin living in the area. Local resident Joseph Martin was walking his dog when he caught a glimpse. “The thing was huge, and within a second, it had disappeared under the water.”

Tourists are already starting to flock to the area, cameras in hand. But scientists at UW-Madison have their doubts. “Someone would have seen her by now” said Dr. John Barton, “There’s just no way she’s gone unnoticed for so long, even in such a large body of water.”

In the meantime, people are warned to stay out of the water until professional divers can search the entire area, which is expected to take weeks.

If you’d like to try and catch a glimpse, pull up a lawnchair in the alley between 2nd & 4th street, between Camp and Elizabeth in Baraboo.