Marine Corps Air Station New River Attacked, Marines In Battle

Marine Corps Air Station located in Jacksonville, North Carolina was attacked by ground assault. Several trucks entered through the front gate driving right past Marine Security Guards (MSG) while under gun fire. The trucks split off into several directions with most heading towards the fight line. A few of the trucks had men heavily armed and others packed with explosives. Marines working on the flight line had immediately engaged the enemy attempting to get close enough for hand to hand combat. The first Marine to lead the assault was Lcpl Anthony Acevedo of Marine Aviation Logistics Squadron 26. He said “I was outside smoking and i saw the trucks pull up and stop, it was already out of the ordinary. I saw a few guys jumps out the vans with rifles and i knew that this was an attack. I had a knife in my pocket and went right for it, charging the first guy I saw, taking him out, and using his weapon against the other people.” Many trucks made their way through to the flight line triggering the explosives and ending up causing billions of dollars of damage to the flight line. 173 Marines lost their lives as of 5:34 PM earlier today. 422 Marines were injured in the conflict. More information to come…