New York Transit Museum to create program for teens with special needs

You may have heard about the upcoming New York Transit Museum event which will take place in May 13th; the Studio Underground for teens with developmental disabilities, but did you know that there is a cause of a good purpose? That’s right.
New York Transit Museum, located at the corner of Boerum Place & Schermerhorn St in Downtown Brooklyn, has announced a fundraise to create a program called “Trains (4) Teens”.
Governor Cuomo has approved this program to help children gained their developmental skills while learning about Transit History which will take place starting September 8th, as a after-school program.
“I like this idea” said Governor Cuomo, “I think it’s a great way for our next generation of kids to grow up positive with the amount of available resources after school. Children have too much time on their hands and are mostly raised by single parents or successfully married parents that overwork or that are lazy”.
Meanwhile, the Subway Sleuths has caught international attentions with the global press, including our national government. President Donald Trump is looking forward to donating $4.5 Million Dollars to the Trains (4) Teens, as well as $2 Million for the existing Subway Sleuths.
“I love it, I think it’s a very spectacular idea!” said President Donald Trump, “It’s a way to save these children, most of them grow up to be murderers, rapist, drug dealers, crackheads, and believe me, that’s not good, that’s bad!”
President Trump believes that this program can save the what he states, the ‘millennial generation’.
“I believe this is the way to save these children, if we can get this program to expand, it’d be very great, I’ll tell you that!” said President Trump.
And even more donations are on the rise, here we interviewed with these famous two people, George “Joji” Miller, better known as the famous YouTuber “Filthy Frank”, and Ian Carter, known as “Idubbbz” on YouTube.
“Children are Cancer!” said Frank, “They’re a waste of Sperm Cell! Who the fuck records a damn piece of metal foil aluminum?!? I’d bitchslap my child and get him laid at a illegal Japanese underground strip club in Flushing if I had one! I even rather have my son become a gay whore rather than this retarded shit, AND THIS MAKES A NIGGA FURIOUS!!! So I’m donating $75,000 for these bastards to stop fucking standing like Alexander the Great on the subway platforms with their shitty ADHD hands holding a shitty 360p quality camera..”
“I honestly feel like I’m making a difference!” said Ian. “You know it makes me feel bad. Like this one time I came to New York to see my buddy Frank. You just see this fat black Indian guy standing in the corner of the street with a camera who smell like he just came from a poverty of Jamaica and Guyana, it hurts so much to see curry in his lips, it makes me want to call him a nigger. So I donated $120,000 at the New York Transit Museum so he can interact with other losers. Because Ironically, if this program didn’t existed, I would’ve searched for him and tell him to go die of cancer for being the most retarded bald-headed autistic lesbian on the planet.”
The program will start putting up registration for the Trains (4) Teens at and will officially start on September 8th, starting from 2PM to 8PM. The program will be open Monday through Friday after-school hours and Saturday from 10AM to 2PM.

Mayor De Blasio is also working on a new law which prohibits the public to loiter more than 30 minutes on NYC Transit Property, the office said that it will go through a vetting with the New York State Court, as well as local Borough Presidents and the MTA Board Press.

Next week, we will interview with Max Diamond as well as other New York Transit Museum members to get more information on this wonderful program, as well as the controversial act leading by Mayor Bill De Blasio.