Oregon Passed ne

Oregon Legislature passed a new law effecting a subtantial amount of the residents who like retired police fleet vehicles. Effective June 1st 2017, All residents who own a retired police vehicle are required to take them to the nearest Oregon State Police office, and have their vehicles inspected.
State Police will be checking for modifications made to the vehicles to make them look like in service vehicles. This list includes:
– All emergency lighting
– Cages
– Spotlights
– Consoles
– Push Bumpers
– Illegal tint greater that state law of 35%

Security companys state wide have already started stripping their vehicles of equipment listed above as well as cab companies.
Fines are to be placed in effect ranging from $1,800.00-$3,875 and up to 5 years in prison. Jail terms are being issued for anyone caught with prohibited lighting, and who use them to impersonate Law Enforcement.
One company, Arcadia Security commented when asked about the new laws, “We have seen a lot of things done that make it hard for us to operate. Now the state is taking away our rights to have equipement that is imperative to doing our jobs. Very upsetting when the government decides to declare martial law on something as trivial as this.”