Portage Park Beast Captured! Safe to nature hike again

Earlier this week Chicago Veterinary scientist and biologist Michael Ooter was out walking through Portage Park on a vision quest. During this is when he stumbled upon a very interesting breed of dog attempting to drink water from the park pool.
After attempting multiple times over a couple days to capture the never seen before beast failed, Ooter successfully captured the animal with the help of the Wisconsin DNR and a bear trap.
Ooter says the animal weighs in at 43 lbs 24″ tall resembles the common house dog. But has the markings of a cow, Pit bull like head yet collie like coat. Maybe it’s the long lost, thought to be extinct, Long Haired East African Pitbull Ooter thought. further testing is needed. But maybe it could be the last ChupaToddra