Recent First Communions cause spike in Saturday Night Fever rentals and shortage of white pleather.

Recent First Communions have caused a surge in Saturday Night Fever rentals and a shortage of white pleather. Doctors at Mass General are calling the SNF surge a psychological condition they have identified as ‘Tony’ association. It’s subliminal in nature as most don’t know why they are renting the movie. Tony’s classic white suit and white suits boys traditionally wear to their First Communions are a classic association, said local Phsycholgist Stanley Tihsllub.
The white pleather shortage reason has been easy to explain as these same boys wear those ugly shoes at their Communions. However, at press time, some of the same Dr.’s that identified Tony Disease have now made a connection between these shoes and a spike in The classic Chevy Chase Vacation movies. They have now dubbed this ‘Cousin Eddie’ disease.