Stephen Sharp arrested for doing burnouts in Taco Bell parking lot.

Stephen Sharp, age 35, was arrested this morning for disorderly conduct and disturbing the peace after performing a massive burnout in the Taco Bell parking lot. When asked why he did it, Stephen only had this to say. “I love Taco Bell. Getting tacos is like winning the Daytona 500 so I had to celebrate.”

Mr. Sharp’s car, whom he calls Isabelle, wasn’t damaged during the burnout, and sources near the scene say it did look pretty awesome. Although one source at the scene said it was “too loud.” (There’s always one.)

Mr. Sharp’s bail was paid by Taco Bell employees who wanted him to come back and do it again. Mr. Sharp released a press statement thanking everyone for paying his bail and promising to return soon.

UPDATE: This just in. This story is fake, but if you buy Mr. Sharp some Taco Bell and ask nicely, he just might do an epic burnout in his awesome car for you. (Probably not though. Tires are expensive.)