Trump Threatens to Release Comey’s Mixed Tape

By Morgan Kendrick | Washington

In an afternoon interview with Fox’s Sean Hannity, President Trump expanded on his earlier tweet regarding “tapes” Trump might have. The circumstances of any tapes that the president may have has quickly stirred up cries of controversy from Trump’s opponents. In an attempt to discourage any further comparisons to Richard Nixon, the president relayed the intimate details of the conversation.

“Comey asked me to dinner. He tells me he has something very, very important for me and only me,” the president explained. “At dinner, he basically begs to keep his job. Disgusting, quite frankly. Then he hands me this mixed tape full of… well, I’ll leave that to your imagination. I’m not saying a certain Whitney Houston standard is on that tape… Just use your imagination. It would be very bad for James if that tape became public.” Trump added, “it was a pretty sight to see such a tall man on his knees.”

When Mr. Hannity asked how he would respond to critics who charge that the president shouldn’t be trying to intimidate a private citizen into silence, the president responded, “Haters, all of them. They’re too busy listening to fake news like CNN. They should get their news from respectable sources, like Channel 23 news. They’re really big league. I get all my news from them and Fox.”

Mr. Comey was contacted, but has declined to respond to our inquiries.