Venice Biennale 2017 Photographer Marco Secchi is also among the artists

The works exhibited, also include the image of a group of Bangladesh rose sellers and the Bajansenye checkpoint on the border between Slovenia and Hungary proposed by the Italian-English photographer who resides in Ljubljana, Marco Secchi. As always a large format photo, 3 metres by 2 metres, and a provocative message with the intent of encouraging the observer to reflect on the issue of migrants, on the very concept of borders and multiculturalism. The images will remain for the whole duration of the Biennale and will be included in the catalogue of the exhibition.
The drama of migrations expressed through art to create a different public awareness: this is the objective of the Tunisian Pavilion, for the first time at the Venice Biennale, with The Absence of Paths, an exhibition curated by Lisa Lazaar, of the Kamel Lazaar Foundation.
“We find ourselves in the Tunisian Pavilion and in the very spirit of the Biennale, based on the absence of borders, a space that is particularly congenial to us,” explains Marco Secchi, the famous photojournalist of Getty Images who can boast many successful international exhibitions. The involvement arises from a personal collaboration with the curator of the exhibition, Lisa Lazaar, and by the shared conviction that art and photography can represent extraordinary tools to bring about a real change, being capable of provoking indignation and suggesting a different way of seeing and interpreting the reality that surrounds us.”
The Tunisian pavilion is presented to the public in a completely different form, assuming the appearance of a human performance, an artistic expression of an authentic experience: three symbolic points, two inside the Arsenale and one in Via Garibaldi at the old newsstand, plus a special web on line platform.
“The very notion of territory will be called into question thanks to ‘The Absence of Paths’ performance, -the curator of the pavilion, Lina Lazaar explained- that, through three symbolic points plus a special online web platform it will allow the Biennale visitors to imagine a migrant nation. This involves making the public of Venice reflect on the abolition of geographical and cultural boundaries, to denounce intolerance and distrust of others.”
The platform will be constantly enhanced by several artists throughout the Biennale period, to conclude a project that will gather the most important contributions.