WANTED for questioning

Have you seen this man ?
He is believed to be in his early 40’s around 5 foot 9 inches in height with dirty blonde hair and possibly blue eyes. He was wearing dirty overalls at the time of the offense .
This man is wanted in connection to an offensive exposure … this afternoon around 4 pm he approched a fuel station and as he got out of his vehicle he pulled back his hood and exposed his hidious face . One on looked quoted “It was so hidious i spat out my coffe and i started gagging , then when he smiled I was so horrified I was sick.” Another onlooker said “I was so disgusted he could just expose his rotten face like that , honestly my child of 3 burst into tears and pointed at the offender and he waved , such an animal should be locked away !”
We are urging people not to approach this mess of a man as he may bite , his grossness maybe conageous and he may throw witty insults at you please stay away and call ghost busters or a priest or doctor phil .