15 year old Burtonsville robbery

It was on June 29th at aproximately 11:47 p.m were a young man described as Kyree Kazzianni Lenn was walking into a 7-eleven on Broadbrch dr. we’re kyree walked in and told the store clerk to give him all the money. The clerk then told kyree ” look don’t shoot me please I have 2 family’s” kyree quickly replied and said “give me all the f***ing money or I’m gonna shoot your damn brains off you stupid a** foreign.” The store clerk quickly put all the money in a bag and gave it to kyree, before he left he shot the clerk in his arm then kyree fled the scene by running out the store and kyree got on a all blue mountain bike and left. Police then later arrived to the store and say the clerk on the floor bleeding out his right arm. When police went looking for him they spoted kyree by 3609 Mactavish pl in the burtonsville area.

If any where abouts of Kyree Kazzianni Lenn please contact
+1 (301) 569-3650