A Houston TX man found a 3 months old winning lottery ticket while he was cleaning his apartment , and you will never guess what’s the paid out !

Stafford, TX – Stafford resident, Anas Lili, was cleaning his modest home and came across a stack of old Powerball tickets. After deciding to finish his summer power clean of his home, he headed to the nearby Stop n Ride gas station to self-check his tickets.

According to Mr.Anas, he was about have way through checking the stack of tickets when he received a message saying β€œwinner, please go to your nearest lottery office.”

The following Monday Mr. Anas visited the local lottery office and found out that he needed to head to Austin, TX to claim his prize of $4,000,000! Fortunately for him, he decided to check his tickets 2 weeks before it would have expired.

Remember to check your tickets and remember to do your summer cleaning!