An event at a local park that involved a man and squirrels

Thursday afternoon, a man that goes by as Ron 28 was seen by locals running around at a oildale park what they would say in a “terrifying manner” and yelling what they believe was ” squirrels in my butt” “no one was going to get close to him” said Erica who was out with her 5 kids enjoying the nice weather we were having.

Jake that was there with his dog, said he heard yelling and decided to call the police. Jake said “cops got there fast and he was surprised” The first officer to respond said “he tried calming Ron down but when he approached him, all he kept yelling “squirrels in my butt” office Tim called for assistances, we were told he was taken to KMC for further evaluation.

We were told tonight that Ron was doing just fine, and what happened was he was climbing a tree when two small squirrels ran up his shorts and some how got stuck In his rectum. He will be released later tonight.