Bam out of the goes to…..

Today we will be talking the bam out person of the year. Not only does he bam out on his friends but on his own blood especially his fat cousin who he had grew up with since the diapers day back in the golden days of takoma park,Maryland. Yesterday a 10pm his fat cousin aka SUAVE saw him leaving because he was guh he lost his USB full of music so he asks him to leave him but since he is so FAT and his car is lowered he didn’t want to be generous to give his fat primo a ride home. Not only that he had about an 8th of weed on him last night but couldn’t give him 60 dollars that owes him for the past several month (February to be exact.) So that had some eyebrows raised up. Now if you see this dark fella please call 1-800- BLACKMANGOTMYMONEY