LaValle-Thiele overheard, mocking pole naysayers.

Days after releasing a statement, demanding that PSEGLI take down the new steel utility poles along County Road 51 and Eastport Manor Rd (CR 55) in the hamlet of Eastport, and bury the new 69 Kilovolt power lones along the same route; Kenneth LaValle and Fred Thiele were overheard mocking local residents demanding the removal of the poles in the state offices.

Reports show that there are a number of residents in Eastport that are very against having these new poles run through their rual hamlet, and have been actively trying to have them removed, to the extent of going to LaValle and Thiele for their help in pressuring PSEGLI for the removal and burial of the High Voltage lines. However, there appears to be a large amount of locals in favor of them as well.

A source in the state offices tells us they overheard LaValle saying to Thiele, “These people are out of their minds if they really feel anything will change.” LaValle went on in saying “they can complain all they want on Facebook, but it’ll never go any further than that.” Thiele only responded with laughter and a nod of his head, seemingly agreeing with LaValle’s statements.

Time will only tell if LaValle and Thiele will really help the outcry of the few complaining. We will keep up with the story, and results of the complaints, if any.