Local city gets back to it’s Communist roots

To celebrate their 100th Anniversary, a local city has decided to revisit it’s original form of government.This process began several years ago when they “annexed ” a portion of the parish, taking over control of private property and taxing the owners. Installing their own public works and giving the residents no choice but to pay for them.The current part of the planned return to Communism requires all citizens to bring their bank statements and all tangible assets (jewelry, Automobiles, Gold bars, Antique coins,& firearms) to city hall. These items will be combined with the property of all other citizens and then be redistributed equally among everyone. When asked for comment, former Presidential candidate Bernie Sandars said that he fully supports such a plan, as it is only fair that we all have equal wealth regardless of whether or not we work for it. The deadline for turning over your belongings is July 4. ….πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰