Local high school teacher arrested for prostitution

High school foreign language teacher, Angela White, was arrested today on 43 counts of prostitution and solicitation. White, who calls herself The Poetic Butterfly, was reciting poems at a spoken word event last night and allegedly offered full descriptions of sex acts committed by herself and others over the past decade. Sources say that White caused numerous patrons of the Kanvas Gallery and Lounge to become aroused, have indecent thoughts, and commit sexual acts upon leaving the establishment. Authorities were notified this morning that White has been committing these crimes for nearly a decade. Prosecutors decided to bring White in for questioning this morning where she gladly offered a recount of the poems recited. Lead investigators said that White was unable to provide an adequate reason for sharing such provocative information with complete strangers. Several detectives admitted to erections on the job as a result of White’s voice and choice of words, therefore she was officially taken into custody to which she apparently derived entirely too much pleasure stating “I like handcuffs, but they aren’t tight enough.” Prosecutors have officially charged White, no bond was granted, and she will await trial in the Mecklenburg County jail. White’s attorney is preparing her legal defense and is asking for a trial by a jury of her peers. The state Attorney is asking all poets, spoken word artists, lovers of the arts, and in the closet freaks to please update your voter registration cards as you will be needed for jury duty. White maintains her innocence stating that all performances were provided free of charge and all those in attendance were over 18 years of age.