Man with high blood pressure drinks energy drinks

A 46 year old man from Oklahoma has learned the hard way about energy drinks. He found himself in a dire prediction one day while driving home from work. The man had drank an energy drink at lunch, just to give him that little extra for the afternoon. He had a mild headache that afternoon but thought nothing of it. While driving home, he experienced an odd feeling in his chest. The closer he got to home the worse it got. The headache was severe by this point. Nearly home, he started becoming short of breath. He thought about calling the doctor but decided to just get home to bed.
By the time he made it home, he was sweating and exhausted. Then his wife took his blood pressure and it was high. She decided to take him to the emergency room.
That’s where things became clear. The high levels of caffeine in the drink, combined with his blood pressure medication had caused him to have a heart attack. The heart attack caused him to have a mild stroke.
Now the man is trying to let people know what he went through. All because of the energy drink. “It’s not worth it” he says “I might not have made it home to my wife and children”. He goes further to say that he might not be able to see his grandchildren grow up. All because of an energy drink.