NJ Woman Injured in Freak Accident

Cayleigh Keenan, 19, of Titusville NJ was injured while body surfing on Hilton Head Island, SC. The surf on Hilton Head is usually calm. The wake from a passing freight ship caused an unusually large swell which caught the woman by surprise. While body surfing the incoming wave, Ms. Keenan was thrown violently on to the beach. When the tide subsided, she emerged with three lamprey eels firmly secured to her torso. While not normally a threat to humans, lamprey eels use their circular jaws to latch on to their hosts. They suck blood from other animals and only release when satiated.
Ms. Keenan was visibly shaken by the ordeal. Although not permanently injured, she did sustain minor injuries which resembled hickies. Lamprey Eels are normally found in fresh water, but recent heavy rains flushed swarms of them into the Atlantic. Beach goers are being warned to keep an eye out for the suckers. Males are being advised to wear protective devises such as athletic cups as they are attracted to protruding appendages. If attacked remain calm. Apply baking soda to the eels. Since they breath through their skin, the soda will temporarily impede their ability to breathe.