Pornhub… Are your searches private???

The Ceo of the worlds most popular pornography site claims “the company is doing fantastic” and thats great news for them, but wait… We aren’t reporting on their successes; yet another story we found to be quite revealing at least for their millions of daily users. The company plans on publishing and exposing every visitors picture captured through the front camera of millions upon millions of users device’s apparently captured while they partook in watching pornhubs videos. Along with “spanking selfies” they intend on publishing search terms and the category of video watched during the time of the pictures.. And thats not all. Pornhub says they have screen shots from all the way back to 2010, and intend on publishing these images and search terms as well. Internet privacy is a fallacy at least one would think after finding out such harrowing news. I guess now we’ll all know who the real freaks and closet peeps are. 😯😯😯😯😯