Riverbend Festival Future Uncertain

Friends of the Festival executive director Chip Barker announced earlier today in a meeting with Chattanooga Mayor Andy Burke the future of the Riverbend Festival is questionable.
Barker went on to say, “After providing a music festival for our great City for more than 35 years, our board of directors has decided it is no longer profitable to continue.”
Board member Jeff Stiles added that performers no longer want to play Chattanooga, and for the past several years, they’ve had to bring in musicians who no longer bring in the audiences to support the festival. He went on to say with the competition of Bonnoroo and other festivals, the costs involved made the board reconsider and make this decision.
Despite the low entry fee to see more than 100 acts, we can no longer be able to support, produce, and be profitable to continue.
Other promotion companies have expressed interest in the Riverbend Festival, but it’s uncertain that it would remain in Chattanooga should a new company take over the Friends of the Festival.