The rise of the Anti-selfopinion Party.

While our government continues to be the leaching, never changing entity, that was in all essence brought up to ensure public dissemination; There now has been a new uprising. They aim at changing their opinions and looking at points of discussion with a new line of sight, every alternate day.

Meet the Anti-selfopinion Party. Led by Sudeep, this new party aims at leading the country without stagnating down to just one opinion. “Of the Opinions, For loop the rethought Opinions, By the new opinions” stands to be their verbatim existence.

In a recent series of interviews conducted over a span of 5 days with Mr. Sudeep, we discussed about the aspects of biking culture in India and it was revelation each day, to say the least. Below are excerpts from the interview.
Interview 1: “The words Biking and Biker has much vastness in it. There are people who put R15 fairings on Hero Splendour and paint it green, put RE exhausts on random bikes and then call themselves as bikers. These are wannabes. I personally believe A true biker would know what his bike is, and would not choose to create an abomination out of it ”

Interview 2: ” A true biker is one who makes the best out of whatever bike he has. Doesn’t matter what he does to it. It is his passion that fuels the build. He can put parts from any bike he likes, combining the build to make it an abomination in others sight, if he may. What matters is that he satisfied his own wish”

Interview 3: “The only thing that remotely matters is what Donald Trump, Kim Jong and myself think of in commonality. That is what truly defines our discussion “*
*At this time we had to halt the interview since Mr. Sudeep forayed into a discussion of the effects of road side tea stalls on the porn industry economy.

As you can see, the difference in opinions that is generally a tendency of the opposition party is right here within the own stems of Anti-selfopinion Party. Could this be the change we require? I hope time never tells that.