Trump and Hillary Marriott Hotel Scandal Exposed!

It turns out during an investigation after the recent election between President Donald Trump and Senator Hillary Clinton , that the two have some extra explaining to do.
According to sources at the Marriott Hotel where they stayed during the presidential campaign, apparently Trump and Hillary had obscene demands for towels.
“No matter what it was never enough” claims Maria Puerta one of the seasoned cleaning staff for the Marriott. Maria claims she had been cleaning hotels for 15 years and during her extensive janitorial career has never seen anything like this.
“We did several loads of laundry a day just to upkeep with the towel requests. I even had to take towels from some of the other guests. It was a nightmare!”
When asked about Maria’s statements President Trump and Senator Hillary declined to respond.
“We see these types of culprits all too often. Eventually something needs to be done” Head Chief of the TBI , (Towel Bureau of Investigation) Gain Downey says.
“We aren’t sure exactly how this is going to effect any outcome for the President or Senator Clinton, however it’s safe to say an extensive investigation will be necessary at the very least.”
It’s going to take more than extra towels to dry up this spill of a scandal that these two have wrapped theirselves in.