Unknown man goes berserk and attacks Coca Cola cooler!

“It was crazy!” Smith St-Clair said of her encounter with a rather odd man in the local Price Chopper. “As a female store security agent I have seen some odd things” Informed of a camouflaged man jumping up and down on soda bottles she quickly went to check it out. He was throwing them on floor screaming “This is not a name!” as he checked out the different names on the back. “When I introduced myself as Smith that really set him off!” “Name?! Name that is not a first name!” He ranted as stomped on soda bottles. Back up was called in and soon Smith and her partner Babs Michael were attempting to stop him. “Thing was we slipped in the giant puddle of sticky soda!” The suspect should have been caught, since he seemed mesmerized by us rolling around, but the male employees were too busy staring at us. Eventually the suspect ran off saying things like “serenity now” and “Don’t be a guilder!” Video footage existed but was damaged by police scrolling threw them rolling around together. If approached police advise just throw down your soda bottles and back off. For now he is being given the name “sticky bandit.”