11 Members Of San Diego County’s Hidden City Derby Girls Plead Guilty On Pomeranian Porn Ring Charges

OCEANSIDE, CALIF – Authorities at the San Diego County Sheriff’s department have been busy reviewing hours and hours of grotesque footage of which investigators are calling “not the worst they’ve ever seen.. Certainly not as bad as the big bang theory”. Last week’s discovery of the “puppy porn” was by mistake when the Hidden City Derby Girls were hosting a meet and greet with fans at a local tavern for a fundraiser. During the event a video was played that shocked and saddened the crowd as the wrong video was clearly being unveiled. The video was supposed to be of roller derby highlights and paper towel commercials but instead the crowd was greeted with Pomeranian puppy chow..not necessarily the food. Since 11 members of HCDG have come forward and accepted a plea deal where you stop drop shot em down open up shop.