31-year old intoxicated Whiting man arrested and immediately released.

On Saturday, July 15 at 11:15PM, Christopher Graham of Whiting was arrested after a passerby noticed him loitering behind the My 3 Sons establishment in Parkertown, NJ. He was heavily intoxicated and explained he was at a party and was kicked out in a misunderstanding and was waiting for someone to get him. Under normal circumstances, he would have been taken in for public intoxication, disturbing the peace, and trespassing. But in a strange turn of events, while handcuffed for safety, challenged the officer to say the alphabet backwards while standing on one foot. Graham claimed he could do it fluidly and better than the officer, and wished for his release if he won his wager. The officer accepted and Graham somehow won the wager. The officer kept his end of the bargain and released Graham on his own accord as long as he did not venture onto anyone’s property and they did not receive any more complaints. No word was heard from him after.