Alien abductions in st marys wv

Locals in st marys A small town in wv are keeping their eyes on the skys this week. After three people have came forth with some very strange claims . We are not releasing the names of the victims for their protection.
Last friday night a young man was leaving his friends house from mt Carmel when he saw a strange light in the sky . Next thing he remembered was waking up in a feild naked and scared . Law enforcement was on pursuit of this same bright light after it was reported shining a bright light in peopls windows . The pursuit lasted three hours and ended with the police finding the young man in the feild along with two other victims dazed and confused.
After they all got there memory back the beings on the craft had probed them multiple times but they say the most traumatizing thig that happened was the fact that they put them in a dress and made them slow dance.