Casa Santurce Hostel most populuar place in Puerto Rico

Casa santurce is a hostel in San Juan Puerto rico which has been nominated 6 stars, out of 5, a world record in the hostel community. Manager Derek was interviewed sunday about the hostels success, “I dont take shit from anybody” says derek, one of the top manager hostels in the world. Hostel staff Cierra has been acknowledged as “the wendys girl” from top food chain restaurant Wendy’s which has boosted the hostel rating by 65%. Luis one of the hostel staff members has been given a top prize for killing the spider yesterday, his girlfriend hope looks up to him as a hero. Over all chanel 23 news has confirmed that the hostel is “fucking dope” and the staff and manager are proud of their efforts towards the hostels recent success. We gave this hostel 10 star rating for its authenticity and “badassness”. Hostel guests were very pleased and happy and have said nothing but good things about it.