Clandestine Member Promotes Her Own Clothing Line.

A charter member of the Facebook Group “Clandestine”, Autumn Hood, has stated that she will be introducing her own line of designer clothing. Ms. Hood has stated that she is very excited to feature her new line of clothing, called “Birthday Suits.”
Ms. Hood has several of the Clandestine Ladies lined up to model their birthday suits at an undisclosed location later this evening. She says that the suits are revolutionary in design in that no two are exactly identical. She says that one of the major selling points is that each suit designed to be completely personalized by the owner. Ms. Hood has stated that this clothing line is designed for wearing inside the home at any time, but may be preferred as late evening wear. Some proud owners may be so enthralled with the design that they choose to wear it outside. The new clothing is designed to be worn in or out of the pool, Jacuzzi or any of a number of activities. Ms. Hood further states that in her study trials, the suits have also been a hit with the wearer’s significant other. Ms. Hood declined our request to model her new clothing line, by saying that part of the allure of the new line was for those that hadn’t seen it, to use their imagination.
We were unable to gain the undisclosed location from Ms. Hood. Only that it was an invitation only event for a selected audience.

*Photo of Ms. Hood not modeling her new clothing line.