It was revealed today that Russia has spies working on United States Elections in all 50 States. The CIA and the FBI are in a panic that for the past 10 years, over 100 spies have lived under their noses, SOME STATIONED Right in Washington, DC, less that a mile from 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.

Some served as Trump Campaign Leaders, and some are Liberal Judges in the West, as well as local police, firefighters, and statesmen.James Comey, former FBI Director; and James Clapper, former CIA Director, who lied about data collection to the American People, had no comment, and refused to answer any questions. Clapper will receive intense scrutiny for his part in the Russian Invasion, and what did he really know? An unnamed source, high in the FBI hierarchy admitted that not only Comey, but many other Agents are under suspicion for their recent Russian Spouses and Relatives, and ongoing contact with the Motherland on routed servers.

“I find it a true testament we have been taken over by Russia, however, it looks like the Boys Crying Wolf were the Guilty ones.

K.R. Bulken
Associate Writer