Facebook policy change – in effect July 22nd, 2017

Have you seen Urgent – Help Stop Giraffe – message, and others like it. Facebook has reported that they are putting a new policy in to effect beginning July 22nd that will help reduce the large volumn of hoax messages that are sent using Messenger. They stated that Facebook members have bogged down the Help Desk with over 755,000 reports in less than a month asking them to do something to prevent this type of “scam-spam”. Users reported receiving multiple warning messages that were alarming, caused Facebook to perform slow, and wasted peoples time reading them when they could have been viewing more important Facebook post such as inspirational sayings or cute puppy videos.

The new policy, FBPOL#73-SCAMMED.U6029 will enforce controls to monitor what users are sending in Messenger and if it contains fake scam messages, your message will be intercepted and your account will be flagged with a RED Warning message. If you commit the offense a second time your account will be suspended until you complete a class on HOW TO DETECT FRAUD. (see www.isthatmessagefake.org for more detail).

Facebooks CEO Mark Zukerberg is a strong advocate of Security and Spam controls and states he wants his users to enjoy their Social Media accounts and feel its trustworthy and safe. Mark knows first hand just how bothersome these types of communications are for he too fell victim to a message sent to him from a Twitter Follower.

These types of communications are meant for sole purpose of evoking fear and concern so users will forward to their friends resulting in the real spam being the message itsself and the spammer being all of you who helped propagating the message repeatedly.

Please share this message with your friends to warn them not to send this or any other message like this becausev IT IS FAKE!

Haha…….Got you. On a serious note…….check out those FB messages before sharing to verify validity before sending. :-).