Fighter plane flies low and races car on coastal highway

On Wednesday morning in Avalon NJ two cars were racing along the coastal highway. Exceeded speeds over 130 mph, state police officials could not keep up with roadblocks, and helicopters. United States Airforce however happened to be in the area engaging in morning training excersises. The vehicles were identified by the pilot, Lamborghini Gallardo and a Nissan GTR. The two continued down the highway as they were stopped by roadblocks assisted by the pilot who communicated with the local authorities down below.
One local resident stated ” It was an awesome sight to see a low flying F15 moving at low speed. We saw the cars flying down the highway and followed by the jet.”

State officials are now considering the use of Naval planes for speeding reconnaissance. If that is passed on then speeders may have to think twice if they wanna speed down the road again, look up before you do!