Hawaii Officials Propose Ban of Spam

Last month, Will Espero, a Hawaiian state senator, proposed a bill that would ban the sale of Spam across the islands.

This has many of the locals very upset. An interview with local man Kaleo Kahana’oi, said he plans to write a “piilau” letter to the company and state legislators.

If the bill passes, the long tradition of Spam Jam would be no more. Spam will lose their most valued consumer if it passes.

Why? A ton of spam wind up in the global coral reef system every year β€” 14,000 tons, to be exact β€” and research indicates that can lead to coral fattening. Some studies suggest one slice is even enough to damage the reefs permanently.

According to Hawaii’s Department of Land and Natural Resources, “researchers have found spam concentrations in some Hawaiian waters at more than 30 times the level considered safe for corals.”

The beaches of Maui, specifically, have already suffered the consequences, reports Scientific American.

Channel 23 news will bring you updates on this developing story.