Illinois Passes a Bill to allow anyone who needs Pain medication to get it free without rejection.

Governor Rauner on Friday signed a bill into law to address the states ever-growing opioid epidemic, despite issues with funding.

“This legislation includes some modest steps to address the opioid epidemic,” the Governor said in a statement. “Given the scope of this crisis, some action is better than none.”

So many people need pain medications to survive. Instead of letting the patients down and making them find comfort in other drugs such as Heroin, we legalized the regulated pain medications. We think this will prevent over 18,000 deaths in our state ‘Rouner Says’.

Illinois is the first state in the Union to legalize such a measure. We expect other states to follow. This is another “Bandwagon” move since the legalization of Pot in other states. Illinois will be the first to test this process and we all should keep an eye on this as it is a step in a positive direction to helping those in pain.