Jonesport Woman Arrested For DUI After Hit and Run

Monday, July 17, 2017
Jennie Durkee Moraisey 28, of Jonesport, Maine was arrested late Saturday night, July, 15th, 2017 after being stopped for a traffic violation. Officer Geoff Parks, of the Maine State Police Department responded to a call earlier that evening at the Thirsty Moose Cafe’ Bar and Grill in Machias, Maine. The caller had reported a hit and run accident he had been involved in, in the parking lot of the bar and grill at 9:00 pm that Saturday night. Parks arrived at the scene several minutes later and found that the driver, 37 year old Ashland Maker of East Machias, had been the victim of a hit and run incident there. Maker was unfortunately the only witness to the accident but he described the vehicle that ran into him as being a white Chevy pickup that quickly sped off the property after they ran into eachother while he was trying to enter the parking lot and the Chevy was trying to exit. Maker’s 2009 Ford pickup sustained minimal damage and he himself obtained no injuries. Parks, put the word out and all patrolmen were on the lookout for the White Chevy pickup. Hours later at 11:40 pm Officer Parks spotted a 2011 White Chevy Avalanche with a headlight out on rt. 1 in Jonesboro. He stopped the truck and driver Jennie Durkee Moraisey, 28 of Jonesport, Maine. “Moraisey seemed off”, Parks said. “As I began my routine questioning, she refused to look at me and her speech seemed slurred. I asked her to exit the vehicle to preform a field sobriety test and she refused at first. When Moraisey finally agreed, it was clear she was under the influence.” Moraisey was taken to the Washington County Jail in Machias, Maine. Upon further investigation of her truck, and questioning, Moraisey was also linked to the accident with Maker in the Bar and Grill parking lot, earlier that night in Machias. She also obtained no injuries and was released early Sunday, the following morning on $2,000 bail. A hearing is expected to be scheduled for late October of this year where Moraisey could be facing potential jail time and or up to $15,000 in fines not including restitution. -Machias Valley Gazette