Local Law Enforcement Looking For This Country Bad Ass

KTVN and KOLO8 news have teamed together to help State troopers, followed by The Reno police department on a non-stop manhunt for this man. According to locals Most people refer to him as “LoLo” or “Mr Country Bad ass mother fucker”. On the night of 07/04/2017 “LoLo” was spotted downtown throwing beer bottles, shouting “Merika mother f***er”, “I have 2.0 KD in ‘black ops 3’!”, and performing inappropriate acts such as: urinating on fire hydrants, shouting “Merika mother f***er!” Once again, and petting a large amount of dogs. As the rebble “LoLo” ran up and down the Reno Art town strip holding an American flag shouting “Merika mother f***er” he stopped to pet yet another dog and shouted “heckin cute pupperino!” And ran off into the firey distance like a real country american bad a*s. Locals dont know to either consider this citizen a “hero”, or a “savage”. Local law enforcements are continuing this manhunt not to detain this fellow bad a*s but to learn his drunken ways of “heroicness”.
However please stay clear of this man, or else you may encounter a high velocity amount of “doggos” or “pupperinos” and may end up with a rather concerning drinking problem.