Man to be honored by city of Boston

The city of Boston wants to honor Shawn ” Shizzy Mac ” MacDonald from Chelsea ma . but known around the city of Boston as “that guy ” . Lil shizzy has been roaming the streets with a blow horn and a sign wrapped around his neck that reads it works if you work it while screaming through the blow horn every day the Just For Today readings he puts his life on the line every day trying to help another addict in the city of Boston wants to acknowledge The Bravery it took for this man while reading the just for today and passing out meeting list he was assaulted when out of nowhere a 12 year old girl took him off his feet he suffered minor injuries but was back at it the following morning he comes from an anonymous program but loves when others have to listen to him and loves the onlookers to watch as he helps others here comes a man that literally got on his knees for anything and now only for God thanks to Shawn the city of Boston will hear the just for today everyday