Maryland Based electrician caught stealing tools from job site

On July 25th 2017, a Maryland man, and father of four was found smuggling tools from the worksite he was on. Police were called by management after repeated screwdrivers, ratchet extensions, and prybars were found missing from other maintenance personnel’s tool boxes.

Police established a surveillance of the job site and caught the man on video taking tools to the porta-john on the site, and minutes later coming out empty handed. Undercover officers, dressed as workers, investigated the porta-john and found no tools inside the base area where people usually relieve themselves.

Police confronted the man and brought him in for questioning. An officer in the patrol car claims the man started crying and screaming when they placed him in the back of the car about abdominal pains.

The man confessed at the police station in White Plains, MD that evening and when questioned as to the location of the tools, he said he has a fetish and inserts them into his rectum.

The man was unidentified as Christopher Tregoning of White Plains, M.D. He has subsequently been released by his employer. Union officials commented stating, “We always knew that guy was a faggot”. His brother in law commented via social media, “That guy has always been queer in my mind, this locks it in though now”.