Monster fish found in the salt river after reading this you will never want to go down the saltriver in a inner tube ever again

Giant strange prehistoric looking creature was found by a group floating down the salt river monday morning…they said the found the creature in some debre from the severe moonsoon storm sunday night.the said it looked half dead but was still alive..the group of kayakers approched the strange looking creature,they said it looked prehistoric it was atleast 30 feet long and had to be well over 600 pounds,they said it had a protective plate of armor all over it’s body and as they appoached it on there kiyaks it made a growl like a lion and tried to get free of the debre it was trapped in and come after them…they said that it had giant massive pointy teeth every where in its mouth and its eyes where blood red and the color of the fish was a bright pink,they couldnt beleive what they just saw,unfortunately no one had there cameras out cause not a one of them had a water proof phone.this creature or fish got loose of the debree and swam down far as the kiyakers are concerned they will never step foot in the the salt river ever again.they said this occured early monday morning near the last exit for the river so be warned there is something strange in the salt river