New age limit on ‘dropouts’

Kids go to school less and less everyday and gonvorment is tired of paying for schools. So now there is a new trend to dropping out of school at the age of 13. Officials are actually encourage the minorities to do it.

Classes are decreasing everyday because this trend has traveled worldwide. Sooner or later there will be no need for teachers or school buildings. Reporter spoke to a few concerned parents, but the law that has been passed shows that the parents have no say so in their schooling. At the same time the parents still have to take care and provide a safe environment for their children until they are of legal age to find a job and provide for themselves.

Study shows that by the year 2024 6 out of 7
students will become delinquent drop outs and be in the system rather than get a good education. They would chose to turn to the system than become a good citizen. Now tax payers will mostly likely be paying to Juvinial Detention Centers and behavioural health centers for teens.