New York to Build Border Wall with Pennsylvania

In a shocking twist of political fate, New York’s Senate has voted 61-2 to approve a bill composed by State Assemblyman Thomas J. Abinanti (D, District 92). The bill was previously approved in the State Assembly 121-29. Now that the bill has passed approval from both chambers of the New York Legislature, the bill appears to receive a signature from Cuomo, in as few as five days.

This wall was first drafted by Thomas J. Abinanti as anger towards Pennsylvania for their electoral switch from Democrat in 2008 and 2012 to voting for Donald J. Trump in 2016. Also, in order to protest President Trump’s wall on the border with Mexico, New York has decided to build their own wall.

As previously indicated, the wall will cost approximately $1.3 billion and will be constructed over three years, starting at the border between New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and New York, near Port Jervis and Interstate 84. As with any developments, we will keep you informed.