Ohio hunting is coming to an end 1 January 2018

Ohio laws on Hunting will be changing effective 1 January 2018. Hunting seasons will not exist here in Ohio as PETA Representatives have tirelessly targeted Ohio for several decades. Well they finally got their way proving case after case of animal cruelty and torture on several instances over the last few hunting seasons here in Ohio. They were able to prove the animals are not killed instantly and some have taken up to several hours for an animal to die once hit by a bow and arrow and gun shots. Ohio hunting is mainly a sport for amateurs and it’s a violent torture to the animals. Several states are being investigated as Ohio is the first to change its laws. If you are caught hunting fines of up to $10,000 for your first offense as well as jail time of 60 days. Attorneys representing PETA said is not resting with hunting season alone they are going after Slaughter houses, zoos, and farmers. Ohio will be changing completely if this momentum continues. Ohio has fought hard over the decade but PETA refused to back down. Residents are angry and are signing petitions to overthrow this what now seems as a bizarre law as they know it.